Current Jackpot:
  • $1,150.00
Latest Winners:
  • ride4duke$5,650.00
  • BEPPER$4,554.00
  • BEPPER$3,208.00


QUICK LINKS»  Daily Promotions

Follow these steps and cash-in on the trending feeling of the month: LOVE!

  1. Watch your inbox and find our mailer

  2. Once you find it, click on it and look for today’s word

  3. Login and Click on the Happy Face at the top right of the screen

  4. Click on the "Unscramble" link

  5. DEPOSIT TO WIN UP TO $14.00

  6. On the page, ensure your email information is accurate. Change it if not and open a Help Desk Ticket after you submit the word to provide the most recent info and ensure you get our daily Newsletters.

  7. Enter the word for the specified date and submit

    • » Note the Word of the Day section inside the mailer will have day the and number depending on the day: Thursday – Word #1, Friday – Word #2, Saturday – Word #3, Sunday – Word #4, Monday – Word #5, Tuesday – Word #6 that MUST match the number on the Unscramble Page.
      If you enter a word that belonged to a previous day, you’ll be disqualified.

  8. Login on Wednesday, February 14th – Valentine’s Day and Unscramble ALL words to form the correct sentence and win!

Only members that enter all correct words in the correct day fields and enter the correct sentence on Valentine’s Day, will win!

Due to the number of members that participate in our promotions, please allow up to 48 hours for your account to get credited. Thanks for your patience!


Player Type
All Words, Correct Sentence
Deposit During February $14.00
Deposit During January NO Deposit During February $7.00
Any Other Depositor $2.50

[+] Terms

Play Now!


If you have questions or comments about this special promotion, please contact us.



  • Bingo Member: CUPCAKE0730 "I'm so glad i tried this site. I was looking for a new place to play, but I always end up at my regular site over and over. Not this time! Thank so much"
  • Bingo Member: 1LUCKYJUDY "I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work. I am so happy to be a part of this family so thank you all. Hugs"