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What Are All Of The Traditional Bingo Patterns?

Bingo, a game that has been beloved by people of all ages for decades, is not just about luck; it’s also about strategy.

Understanding the various patterns involved in traditional bingo can significantly improve your chances of winning. 


In this article, we’ll explore the world of traditional bingo patterns, offering detailed descriptions of each pattern and tips to help you improve your tactics.

So, grab your bingo cards and daubers, and let’s delve into the fascinating realm of bingo patterns! 

Understanding Bingo

Before diving into specific patterns, understanding the basic mechanics of traditional bingo is essential.

Typically, bingo cards are divided into a grid of five rows and five columns. The central square is usually marked “FREE,” each row contains five numbers selected from a range.

The game host announces numbers, and players mark their cards when those numbers are called.

To win, players must complete a specific pattern on their card, and then shout out “Bingo!” to claim their prize. 


Sometimes the prizes are free drinks from the bar, gift cards, vouchers, or – if the bingo hall is doing well or is having a special event – you might even be playing for actual cash!


There are some other variations of game types based on how many balls are in play, for example, typically in the US we play 75-ball bingo, whereas, over the pond in the UK, they typically play 90-ball bingo. 

Traditional Bingo Patterns


Now that we have a more solid understanding of how the game works, let’s check out some of the most common bingo patterns that you’re likely to come across: 

Straight Line

The straight line pattern is one of the simplest and most well-known bingo patterns. To win with a straight line, you must mark off five numbers in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. This pattern is often the first pattern introduced to beginners and serves as a great way to get the hang of the game. 

Four Corners

As the name suggests, the four corners pattern requires you to daub the numbers in the four corners of your bingo card.

You don’t need to worry about any other numbers; just focus on those in the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right corners.

This pattern adds a fun twist to the game, as you only need to wait for a few specific numbers to be called. 

X Pattern 

To win with an X pattern, you must daub all the numbers forming an “X” shape on your card.

This means the numbers at the top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, and center (the “FREE” space).

The X pattern can be quite challenging, but it adds a layer of excitement to the game, as you’re looking for a specific, recognizable shape. 

T Pattern

The T pattern is all about forming the letter “T” on your bingo card. This can be achieved by marking the top row and the center column.

It’s a classic bingo pattern that keeps players engaged and attentive, as you aim to create this distinct shape with your dauber. 

L Patten

The L pattern requires players to mark the top row and the left column of their card, forming the shape of an “L.”

This pattern is unique in that it can lead to multiple winners in the same game, as there is often more than one way to complete it. 

Blockout Or Coverall 

Also known as the “blackout” or “full house,” this pattern is the ultimate challenge in bingo.

To win, you must fill in every number on your card. The game continues until someone achieves this pattern, which is why it’s often the final game of a bingo session.

Coverall can be a thrilling race, and the player who accomplishes it first is crowned the winner. 

Postage Stamp

In the postage stamp pattern, your goal is to mark all the numbers in one of the corner quadrants of your bingo card.

This means either the top left, top right, bottom left, or bottom right corner.

It’s called the “postage stamp” because the completed area resembles the size and shape of a postage stamp. 

Frame or Picture Frame

The frame pattern is about marking all the numbers along the perimeter of your card.

This means the top and bottom rows and the left and right columns.

When you achieve this pattern, it creates a “frame” around the center “FREE” space. 

Crazy T Pattern 

The Crazy T pattern is a twist on the regular T pattern.

To win this pattern, you need to mark off the top row, the center column, and the bottom row.

The challenge here is in creating a less conventional “T” shape, which keeps things exciting. 

Inside Frame

The inside Frame pattern is the opposite of the frame pattern.

Instead of marking the numbers along the perimeter, you aim to complete the numbers within the perimeter.

This means marking off the center square and the squares forming the inner “frame.”


The diagonal pattern is a variation of the straight line pattern. To win, you need to mark off all the numbers forming a diagonal line from one corner of your card to the opposite corner.

You can choose to form a diagonal from the top left to the bottom right or from the top right to the bottom left. 


The final pattern that we’re going to look at today is the arrow pattern.

This pattern is all about forming the shape of an around on your bingo card. In order to win, mark the center square, the two squares below it, and the single square at the top center.

This unique pattern adds a layer of complexity to the game. 


Further reading: Different Ways To Play Bingo.

Bingo Pattern Strategies

Now that you’re familiar with various traditional bingo patterns, let’s discuss some strategies to increase your chances of winning: 

Multiple Cards

Playing with multiple bingo cards can increase your odds of winning. However, be cautious not to overcommit, as it can be challenging to manage several cards simultaneously. 

Pay Attention

Stay alert and focused. Missing a called number could cost you a win, especially in games with faster calling speeds. 

Choose the Right Cards

Some bingo cards have patterns that are easier to complete than others. Pay attention to the patterns on your cards and choose ones that align with your strategies. 


Bingo isn’t just about winning; it’s also a social game. Engage with fellow players and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with bingo. 

Be Mindful of the Caller

Different bingo callers may have varying calling speeds. Pay attention to the caller’s pace and adjust your daubing speed accordingly. 

Final Thoughts

Bingo patterns add an extra layer of excitement to this beloved game, making it not just a game of luck but also strategy.

With various patterns like the straight line, X, T, L, and the ultimate challenge of coverall, there’s a pattern for every player’s preference.

As you play and become more family with these patterns, you can develop your strategies to enhance your chances of shouting “Bingo!” at your next game.

So, grab your bingo cards, gather your friends and family, and have a great time exploring the world of traditional bingo patterns. 


Good luck, and happy daubing! 


What is the most challenging bingo pattern to achieve? 

The most challenging bingo pattern is the “Coverall” or “Blackout” pattern, where you need to mark off every number on your card. It’s often the final and most exciting game in a bingo session. 


Can I win with multiple bingo patterns in a single game?

Yes, it’s possible to win with multiple patterns in a single game. For instance, achieving the “L” pattern can also mean that you’ve completed the “T” pattern as well. 


What’s the strategy for winning at bingo? 

Some strategies include playing multiple cards, paying attention, choosing the right cards, and being mindful of the caller’s pace. Adapting your strategy to the specific pattern in play can be beneficial. 


Are there different variations of bingo patterns in different regions? 

Yes, there are variations in bingo patterns in different regions and even among different bingo halls. Some variations may include unique, local patterns or rules. 


How do you mark numbers in traditional bingo? 

You mark numbers in traditional bingo using a “dauber” or a bingo marker, which is a special ink marker designed for the game. When the caller announces a number that matches any of the numbers on your card, you daub (or mark) that number with your dauber.